Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 4585
life 2346
gamer 1656
games 1568
music 1447
follow 1385
account 1296
twitch 1277
twitter 1215
mom 1066

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#1 187
#teamstacks 99
#superfamily 72
#bitcoin 59
#teampulte 57
#greenwall 57
#blm 56
#blacklivesmatter 54
#ottosquad 49
#chiefskingdom 49

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
danawhite 6192873 1851 40645
adidas 4364883 203 15803
NBA2K 3735109 1683 14779
jugsjugsjugs 2996794 3849 97315
tacobell 1998513 72 806757
RickeySmiley 1940044 1725 96772
SHGames 1408378 755 11032
CODLeague 1316695 208 62323
iFireMonkey 1273267 791 38716
NYXCosmetics 1242661 267 31506

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
ZachBoychuk 683907 829964 9245
IamMzilikazi 375924 545193 130357
THE_THEO_FORD 161677 469380 25085
notbatmanyet 143469 132611 121409
SlimJim 140337 492126 68341
Cinnabon 137809 233023 310821
WeDontHaveTime 126424 128842 33840
RealJtHolmes 109713 144554 68814
Chicago_History 94401 120162 47029
DavidCastain 84793 108090 21883

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
RaymondBrown__ 1000796 8611 7368
aldoceccarelli 820189 16074 15001
tacobell 806757 1998513 72
iLive4_Myself 710097 3493 2559
rudyglove27 693132 18243 18469
costanzo740 684154 1945 3655
Domer94 621049 1011 4997
earlworthington 618493 1531 4583
steviebreech 525553 4950 3984
poisonsix9 473536 3426 318

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
danawhite 18096 1851 6192873
NBA2K 5011 1683 3735109
tacobell 4873 72 1998513
adidas 4820 203 4364883
MelissaOnline 4356 69931 122185
iFireMonkey 4246 791 1273267
RickeySmiley 4081 1725 1940044
shortyawards 3396 24817 548038
Digitas 3200 5274 64022
CodyRhodes 3133 587 1232811

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

486 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1565451895296204800 flavors 1232
1592532889790447620 You can stop asking. Mtn Dew Pitch Black is coming back. Celebrate accordingly. 681
1532784202776821762 Move over flower crowns, there’s a new collectable this festival season. Like & RT this tweet & follow us to be entered for a chance to win this limited edition Mtn Dew Gig Poster. #GigPosterSweepstakes No pur nec U.S. res18+ Ends 6/10/22 Rules: 493
1478442048147574797 New flavor* who dis? *now available nationwide 398
1473699906586095631 hot ppl like Mtn Dew Baja Blast 371
1534221713118007297 Charged up for WNBA All-Star? RT this with #THEDEWZONEENTRY and follow us to enter for a chance to win a trip to AT&T WNBA All-Star 2022 in Chicago and MTN DEW and @WNBA prizes like a signed @_ajawilson22 jersey! US res, 18+ Ends 6/20. Rules: 325
1620829347191074816 Mtn Dew Pitch Black tastes like your parents getting back together 306
1493638832541077508 What would YOU do to get your hands on THE DEW ZONE Ball? Enter for a chance to win in our NBA All-Star DEW ZONE Ball Sweepstakes! All you have to do is follow us & tweet at us using #LuckyDewZoneBallSweepstakes U.S. res,18+. Ends 2/20/22. Rules: 278
1524449294065049602 Attention all operators: want to dunk on the competition with a Mtn Dew Flamin Hot® Calling Card? Starting today, drop into @CallofDuty Warzone and record 3 eliminations with the flaming throwing knife! 261
1522267399738822656 Today is a good day for a Mtn Dew Baja Blast. No particular reason. 254

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1613957804087181313 pov: you can choose one flavor to join you on a space heist. which one are you letting steer the ship 🚀 reply and use #spaceheistsweepstakes this tweet is part of the MTN DEW PITCH BLACK Space Heist Sweepstakes. 18+, ends 1/13/23 at 11:59pm EST–Rules: 1530
1580951705906290688 Describe Mtn Dew in one word ⬇️ 1425
1638208850602913792 ASK US ANYTHING* *except about Mtn Dew White Out, Revolution, Supernova, Sangarita Blast, Dewshine, Pitch Black, if we’ll sponsor you, our social security number, the meaning of life, and which flavor is our favorite. 1317
1573341376376438787 What would you name a new flavor of Mtn Dew? 1243
1597277069624639488 We said what we said. Share your holiday dessert HOT TAKE, tag us and use #MtnDewFruitQuakeSweepstakes for a chance to earn some cold Mtn Dew Fruit Quake. No Pur Nec. U.S. res. 18+ (19+ AL/NE). Ends 12/06/22 Rules: 1164
1578415099047469056 What flavor is this? Wrong answers only. 1161
1640745562306641923 If you had the power to bring any flavor of Mtn Dew back, which would it be? 1030
1504850129026797568 Tell us your top 3 Mtn Dew flavors and we’ll tell you how you’ll spend your weekend 1022
1493638832541077508 What would YOU do to get your hands on THE DEW ZONE Ball? Enter for a chance to win in our NBA All-Star DEW ZONE Ball Sweepstakes! All you have to do is follow us & tweet at us using #LuckyDewZoneBallSweepstakes U.S. res,18+. Ends 2/20/22. Rules: 1001
1595107354651295744 We know you’re thankful for Dew, but which Dew are you most thankful for? 873

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1534221713118007297 Charged up for WNBA All-Star? RT this with #THEDEWZONEENTRY and follow us to enter for a chance to win a trip to AT&T WNBA All-Star 2022 in Chicago and MTN DEW and @WNBA prizes like a signed @_ajawilson22 jersey! US res, 18+ Ends 6/20. Rules: 535
1554134812612595713 First Mtn Dew: Last Mtn Dew: Best Mtn Dew: Worst Mtn Dew: Most Random Mtn Dew: Next Mtn Dew: Dream Mtn Dew: 302
1478442048147574797 New flavor* who dis? *now available nationwide 300
1592532889790447620 You can stop asking. Mtn Dew Pitch Black is coming back. Celebrate accordingly. 280
1537835044840034304 Here's your shot at seeing the MTN DEW 3-Point Contest LIVE in Chicago! Follow us and RT using #THEDEWZONEENTRY to enter for a chance to win a trip to AT&T WNBA All-Star 2022 and other @WNBA prizes. NPN. US res, 18+. Ends 6/20. Rules: 275
1493638832541077508 What would YOU do to get your hands on THE DEW ZONE Ball? Enter for a chance to win in our NBA All-Star DEW ZONE Ball Sweepstakes! All you have to do is follow us & tweet at us using #LuckyDewZoneBallSweepstakes U.S. res,18+. Ends 2/20/22. Rules: 173
1580951705906290688 Describe Mtn Dew in one word ⬇️ 121
1620829347191074816 Mtn Dew Pitch Black tastes like your parents getting back together 109
1473699906586095631 hot ppl like Mtn Dew Baja Blast 78
1608508371044286464 Some things are worth waiting (a little longer) for… Mtn Dew Pitch Black will be returning to stores for a limited time starting January 16 77

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1565451895296204800 flavors 12942
1592532889790447620 You can stop asking. Mtn Dew Pitch Black is coming back. Celebrate accordingly. 4586
1478442048147574797 New flavor* who dis? *now available nationwide 4551
1638933624287539201 like if you’ve ever drank a Mtn Dew 2597
1620829347191074816 Mtn Dew Pitch Black tastes like your parents getting back together 2180
1473699906586095631 hot ppl like Mtn Dew Baja Blast 1792
1524449294065049602 Attention all operators: want to dunk on the competition with a Mtn Dew Flamin Hot® Calling Card? Starting today, drop into @CallofDuty Warzone and record 3 eliminations with the flaming throwing knife! 1772
1578415099047469056 What flavor is this? Wrong answers only. 1637
1522267399738822656 Today is a good day for a Mtn Dew Baja Blast. No particular reason. 1620
1628439476702773249 one million likes and we’ll post a feet pic 1547

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#liveattheblock 6
#mtndew3pt 5
#mtndewpitchblackmatch 4
#royalrumble 4
#mtndewfruitquakesweepstakes 3
#mtndewskytalon 3
#nbaplayoffs 3
#thedewzoneentry 2
#nbaallstar 2
#spaceheistsweepstakes 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@ruffles 3
@voodewgrim 2
@nba2k 2
@_ajawilson22 2
@wnba 2
@1gunnagunna 2
@dewtour 2
@mackycheez 1
@wwe 1
@colbertlateshow 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👀 4 eyes
® 4 registered
⬇️ 3 down_arrow
🤔 3 thinking_face
💦 2 sweat_droplets
💀 2 skull
✌️ 2 victory_hand
😏 2 smirking_face
💧 1 droplet
☘️ 1 shamrock

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 17
Symbols 12
People & Body 11
Travel & Places 8
Objects 3
Food & Drink 3
Animals & Nature 2
Flags 1
Activities 1