Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @metroweekly


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

10 years


This collection of tweets highlights LGBTQ musicians who have been nominated but never won a Grammy, white supremacists suppressing parts of history, Rush Limbaugh mocking gay people with AIDS, and a Broadway-style show that got positive reviews. There are also references to a costume contest, Title IX violations, charges dropped against a gay reporter, and shock that several LGBTQ musicians have not been recognized for their achievements.

Topic Modeling

  1. Freedom & Joy
  2. LGBTQ Representation
  3. White supremacy & Suppressing History
  4. Broadway
  5. Music

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from joy and freedom to anger and frustration. Many of the tweets express appreciation for LGBTQ musicians and outrage at the discrimination they face. Other tweets express joy for Broadway and dance parties, as well as anger at white supremacy and the suppression of fact-based parts of history. Finally, there is also disappointment at the lack of recognition for talented musicians, and shock and disbelief at the preacher asking God to kill gay people.

Trend Analysis

  1. LGBTQ Musicians and Award Show Inequalities
  2. White Supremacy and Black Bodies
  3. Broadway Theatrical Performances and Reviews
  4. 80s Themed Events
  5. Discrimination towards LGBTQ Individuals

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 40
Twitter Web App 29
Twitter for Android 7 2
Twitter for iPad 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
BruceLaBruce Bruce LaBruce Bruce LaBruce is a filmmaker, writer, photographer and artist living in Toronto. Instagram: @brucelabruce 32,636
MrDavidJohns Dr. David Johns I 👨🏾‍🏫 teach📢 speak &📝 write (primarily about my love for & of Black people). I lead the National Black Justice Coalition @NBJCOnTheMove 23,351
metroweekly Metro Weekly 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ LGBTQ Magazine & Website since 1994. Now 100% digital! Subscribe for free at 17,982
arenastage Arena Stage A leading theater presenting and producing American works that spark conversation and inspire action. Social media policy at 16,514
FerL67 Mark Valdron 🇨🇦🇺🇦☮️ 💉x4 PC tech⚡️Feminist⚡️Pro-Choice⚡️Humanist⚡️BLM🌈Ally❤️😍 @NatalieValdron⚡️Books⚡️Animals⚡️Old Movies#resist #liberalAF #IStandWithTrudeau #IStandWithUkraine 🌊 15,216
NoMaBID NoMa BID The NoMa Business Improvement District supports the transformation of the NoMa neighborhood through planning, economic development, marketing, events, and more. 9,070
NBJContheMove NBJC We are a civil rights organization dedicated to empowering Black LGBTQ+/ SGL people and families. 🖤✊🏾🏳️‍🌈#NBJCAdvocacy #LetsGetFree 9,051
wendywhaleiams1 Lucy Liu’s (Former) Personal Assistant yes, it was me you saw crying quietly in (insert public space) | ig: @ wendy_whaleiams1 | tiktok: @ wendywhaleiams1 8,484
shift_in2_turbo Karim Jersey boy. Coder. Part of the 99%. Long suffering @Mets, @newyorkredbulls & @nyknicks fan. Med school hopeful. Chaotic good. Early American history. 7,397
004nino Jean Lebrun Retraité.Égalité,fraternité,justice,liberté,nationaliste, Aka Giovanni Bruno Aka Giovanni Wolfmann Bruno contre le virus de la corruption ,les injustices 6,032

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
FerL67 Mark Valdron 🇨🇦🇺🇦☮️ 💉x4 PC tech⚡️Feminist⚡️Pro-Choice⚡️Humanist⚡️BLM🌈Ally❤️😍 @NatalieValdron⚡️Books⚡️Animals⚡️Old Movies#resist #liberalAF #IStandWithTrudeau #IStandWithUkraine 🌊 16,604
BruceLaBruce Bruce LaBruce Bruce LaBruce is a filmmaker, writer, photographer and artist living in Toronto. Instagram: @brucelabruce 11,365
shift_in2_turbo Karim Jersey boy. Coder. Part of the 99%. Long suffering @Mets, @newyorkredbulls & @nyknicks fan. Med school hopeful. Chaotic good. Early American history. 7,842
004nino Jean Lebrun Retraité.Égalité,fraternité,justice,liberté,nationaliste, Aka Giovanni Bruno Aka Giovanni Wolfmann Bruno contre le virus de la corruption ,les injustices 6,621
metroweekly Metro Weekly 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ LGBTQ Magazine & Website since 1994. Now 100% digital! Subscribe for free at 5,538
4evrmomof4 Linda Ladden Celebrate Diversity! I make a difference everyday as an advocate + registered nurse! Be the change that you want to see in the world Mohandas Gandhi(1869-1948) 5,058
okrah_winfrey Okrah Winfrey Boiled, Fried or Fresh off the vine! 💙 I READ BANNED BOOKS ‼️ ANTI tRump Proud Democrat 🏳️‍🌈 Well traveled Southerner Love all animals 🇺🇦 #Ukraine #LOVE 5,001
JohnManier John Manier 💉💉💉💉💉 Labor/employment litigator, appellate attorney. BA @NotreDame, JD @UCLA_Law. He/him. Views strictly my own. See pinned tweet for my other social media. 4,993
RandyShulman Randy Shulman🏳️‍🌈🐈🎢 I've been a journalist since dinosaurs roamed the earth. Subscribe to our GLAAD-nominated magazine for FREE at 4,752
VKirbyYork Victoria Kirby York (VKY) ✝️✊🏾🏳️‍🌈🤱🏾🇺🇸🇬🇧🙏🏾Director of Public Policy & Programs @NBJContheMove all views are my own RT/comments are not endorsements 🐑🗝️🚢🐝stan IH/Fibro 🪖 4,727

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
toddfranson Photographer and Art Director for Metro Weekly, Washington DC’s only LGBT Magazine since 1994. Durannie and sci-fi geek. Man of many talents and trades. 5
RandyShulman I've been a journalist since dinosaurs roamed the earth. Subscribe to our GLAAD-nominated magazine for FREE at 5
here4andre Writer, critic, lover, voter @WAFCA, @DorianAwards | Tomatometer-Approved 4
MichaelVilain moved to Mastodon: 3
WundergartenDC 🍻 Outdoor community German-inspired #beergarden and #eventvenue. A curated selection of German and craft beer. Located in NoMa DC 🍺 Indoor & Outdoor Seating! 3
Mosaic_Theater Bold, culturally diverse theater that illuminates critical issues, elevates fresh voices, and sparks connection among communities. 3
jganyfl1 #MakeFloridaFascistFree #StandWithPP #TST #TaxTheChurch #NeverForgetJan6th #BLM #SayGay #GroomerRon #FBR #IGoLow 2
pghdrew Lifestyle Personalities Tech News US & World News Car Culture 2
r4ysh4 they/them 2
shift_in2_turbo Jersey boy. Coder. Part of the 99%. Long suffering @Mets, @newyorkredbulls & @nyknicks fan. Med school hopeful. Chaotic good. Early American history. 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626638823437307928 “Freedom is something I walk in, or try to walk in, daily. Freedom is joy. We free ourselves, we get to a better place of existing and having empathy for others, and being open to love.” @JHarrisonGhee for @MetroWeekly 🧡 To read more, visit: 3
1625254739545051136 It's ★★★★ for #barsmeasuresmosaic from @metroweekly! This "gripping" addition to our season— with "dynamic staging and design" and a "searing central performance" —is only on for two more weeks! Get your 🎟️ now! 2
1625211469020205058 "White supremacy is simply not Black bodies dying at the hand of police officers, it's powerful white men suppressing fact-based parts of our history" @mrdavidjohns#LetsGetFreeThank you @metroweekly!Read more here: 2
1626961485518848002 Saturday Après Ski Vibes: Live Music from @Chasing_Autumnn 4 to 7pmBourbon Bar 2pm to 5pmTaylor Swift Dance Party 8pmHow are you spending your Saturday? ;)@washingtonian @nbcwashington @PoPville @NoMaBID @HillRagDC @theHillisHome @Thrillist @DCHomos @metroweekly 2
1626159025678082048 As if we didn't need another reason to wish a house would land on her.... 😠😡🤬🤮💩 Marjorie Taylor Greene Rails Against Gay Marriage via @metroweekly 1
1626102639501901824 Charges Dropped Against Gay Reporter Evan Lambert via @metroweekly 1
1627040406948159488 Our photographer Ward Morrison will be on the Scene tonight at @WundergartenDC for their Apres Ski Taylor Swift Dance Party! Go, get in front of his camera, and maybe you and your friends will end up in next week's @metroweekly! FREE ADMISSION! 21+. The fun starts at 8 pm. 1
1626606647224455168 Hot Tub Time Machine is bringing Wunder Garten back to the 80's! DJ Dance Party at 8pm & make sure to dress up there will be a costume contest!RSVP: @metroweekly @WashMagEvents @DCist @NoMaBID @nbcwashington @PoPville @HillRagDC @theHillisHome 1
1624560775179403266 #AdamLambert 👑⭐️🌈 > 10 LGBTQ Musicians Who Have Been Nominated For But Never Won a Grammy via @metroweekly 1
1624693375264780288 8 Essential Gay Love Songs via @metroweekly including @adamlambert #Fever 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626638823437307928 “Freedom is something I walk in, or try to walk in, daily. Freedom is joy. We free ourselves, we get to a better place of existing and having empathy for others, and being open to love.” @JHarrisonGhee for @MetroWeekly 🧡 To read more, visit: 23
1624681101905080320 10 LGBTQ Musicians Who Have Been Nominated For But Never Won a Grammy via @metroweekly including @adamlambert 6
1624505535306387460 We're clearly having a Broadway moment over at @MetroWeekly. Two in a row! 5
1625211469020205058 "White supremacy is simply not Black bodies dying at the hand of police officers, it's powerful white men suppressing fact-based parts of our history" @mrdavidjohns#LetsGetFreeThank you @metroweekly!Read more here: 4
1627157845895483392 Rush Limbaugh mocked gay people dying from AIDS on his radio show via @metroweekly 4
1625254739545051136 It's ★★★★ for #barsmeasuresmosaic from @metroweekly! This "gripping" addition to our season— with "dynamic staging and design" and a "searing central performance" —is only on for two more weeks! Get your 🎟️ now! 3
1626961485518848002 Saturday Après Ski Vibes: Live Music from @Chasing_Autumnn 4 to 7pmBourbon Bar 2pm to 5pmTaylor Swift Dance Party 8pmHow are you spending your Saturday? ;)@washingtonian @nbcwashington @PoPville @NoMaBID @HillRagDC @theHillisHome @Thrillist @DCHomos @metroweekly 3
1627980014527434752 The latest news! Thanks to @MMORPGcom @nbcchicago @metroweekly #chicago #ai 2
1624483538622988288 @RandyShulman @Monument_Lab @metroweekly Great conversation, @RandyShulman! 2
1624560775179403266 #AdamLambert 👑⭐️🌈 > 10 LGBTQ Musicians Who Have Been Nominated For But Never Won a Grammy via @metroweekly 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#barsmeasuresmosaic 2
#adamlambert 2
#chicago 1
#ai 1
#metrotrains 1
#nicole 1
#hiphop 1
#music 1
#newspaperboxes 1
#keepsidewalksclean 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@metroweekly 82
@dchomos 6
@wundergartendc 6
@dclgbtq 4
@capitalpridedc 4
@thedccenter 4
@nbcwashington 4
@popville 4
@nomabid 4
@hillragdc 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🧡 2 orange_heart
🎟️ 2 admission_tickets
👑 2 crown
2 star
🌈 2 rainbow
🙄 1 face_with_rolling_eyes
😠 1 angry_face
😡 1 enraged_face
🤬 1 face_with_symbols_on_mouth
🤮 1 face_vomiting

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 8
Travel & Places 4
Objects 3
Activities 2