Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



New York, New York



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
views 3711
human 3184
rights 3144
social 2570
love 2448
world 2431
international 2399
development 2351
global 2063
health 2023

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#humanrights 358
#sdgs 350
#refugees 199
#withrefugees 163
#education 136
#sustainability 135
#climatechange 134
#peace 132
#migration 132
#humanitarian 129

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
felipeneto 16312075 856 2826
JohnCena 14101257 575500 7454
connorfranta 8537212 3755 27708
BenStiller 5613968 1922 9984
lenadunham 5112554 745 14828
KhaledElNabawy 3873217 468 21538
PeteButtigieg 3712896 2819 13179
UNESCO 3684229 2346 36944
TheMahiraKhan 3002526 167 4699
atomaraullo 2852540 699 17358

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4022093 2032987 183293
SinghLions 1430950 1333536 33922
JDaIey 1015563 1229873 43048
LeBronJames 971998 1010294 3568
Iraqesque 955311 582147 54192
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 875601 719612 36589
UlrichJvV 808486 1150840 26352
kenradio 727123 879575 20559
JohnCena 575500 14101257 7454
iownjd 438957 776774 207114

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
AndyVermaut 2266569 31230 34444
InfoApuntes 2132092 50051 42229
rk70534 1994413 17603 19363
cleosagas1 1647669 11899 9162
Orgetorix 1382454 3911 5001
rjber15 1328963 3573 1221
john1966olsen 1185365 3071 4999
EvanKirstel 1132577 344914 310954
raumunz 1106462 3043 5001
SupremeBeingNes 1034830 74574 72033

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31652 575500 14101257
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 27188 875601 719612
BenStiller 25640 1922 5613968
felipeneto 17224 856 16312075
TEDNews 13304 16056 880804
EvanKirstel 12968 310954 344914
Treehugger 12569 7363 347724
TheRickWilson 11462 7487 1602393
PeteButtigieg 11459 2819 3712896
UNFCCC 11308 1050 976504

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,054 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1440019373654257671 I had a great conversation with Korea’s President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture - @BTS_twt They are so deeply committed to inspiring their fans to embrace the #GlobalGoals and be the change our world so desperately needs. Video coming soon! 40677
1439962647764553745 "We thought the world has stopped, but it continues to move forward. Every choice we make is the beginning of change." How moving to witness @BTS_twt speaking at the #UNGA & hear their very special #GlobalGoals dedicated song + music video recorded here at the @UN. #BTSatUNGA 16994
1440366945413439492 My interview with President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture @BTS_twt is out! Immensely inspiring to see BTS fans joining them in committing to be an army of positive forces for a better world. Full interview: 8438
1446107460192722946 This @BTS_twt compassionate 'love myself' message + campaign with @UNICEF is so needed at this toxic time of social media-fueled insecurity and anxiety. #globalcitizen 2052
1452009591022178312 Why did we welcome @BTS_twt into the @UN? Check out my interview with @nbcaaron and his exploration into the positive ripple effects of their activism for kindness towards ourselves, each other and our planet. 1456
1487834896647307279 After 15 months of conflict, almost 40% of Tigrayans are suffering an extreme lack of food. @WFP is doing all it can to ensure convoys with food and medicines make it through the frontlines, but no convoy has reached Tigray since mid-December. 907
1443191260735582218 “So people have been eating roots and flowers and plants instead of a normal steady meal." “The lack of food will mean that people will start to die.” - @UNReliefChief 🆘#Ethiopia 682
1573026821205114882 Pakistan is going through a climate change nightmare. Heard from PM @CMShehbaz & Information Minister @Marriyum_A about just how apocalyptic the floods are for their people. I pledged to continue to advocate loud for massive financial support, and justice. 608
1531716594388422657 Shireen Abu Akleh was a role-model for journalists in the Middle East & worldwide. Her legacy must be cherished. In her honour, we renamed our @UN training programme to "The Shireen Abu Akleh Training Programme for Palestinian Broadcasters & Journalists". 555
1502434119816466435 The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is deteriorating at an alarming pace. Millions have fled their homes for safety, an estimated 1.9 million people are displaced in Ukraine and 2.5 million have already crossed international borders. ⁦@UNOCHA⁩ ⁦@Refugees⁩ 545

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1440019373654257671 I had a great conversation with Korea’s President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture - @BTS_twt They are so deeply committed to inspiring their fans to embrace the #GlobalGoals and be the change our world so desperately needs. Video coming soon! 446
1440366945413439492 My interview with President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture @BTS_twt is out! Immensely inspiring to see BTS fans joining them in committing to be an army of positive forces for a better world. Full interview: 388
1531716594388422657 Shireen Abu Akleh was a role-model for journalists in the Middle East & worldwide. Her legacy must be cherished. In her honour, we renamed our @UN training programme to "The Shireen Abu Akleh Training Programme for Palestinian Broadcasters & Journalists". 185
1515349866226110464 I dodged it for two years, but #COVID19 finally got me. It hit hard. Some thoughts: 171
1590725377940664320 Some active #Twitter users are leaving the platform fearing an explosion of hate & disinformation. We are also worried. But the @UN is still there because our job involves sharing sane, fact-based, & life-saving information with the world. Here is why: 163
1393308233666809859 "We are seeing the desperation in the hospitals, desperation in the communities. At the same time, we've seen communities come together." @UNICEF Representative in India @DrYasminAHaque shares her concerns about the ferocious new wave of #COVID19 & its devastating impact. 150
1443191260735582218 “So people have been eating roots and flowers and plants instead of a normal steady meal." “The lack of food will mean that people will start to die.” - @UNReliefChief 🆘#Ethiopia 148
1439962647764553745 "We thought the world has stopped, but it continues to move forward. Every choice we make is the beginning of change." How moving to witness @BTS_twt speaking at the #UNGA & hear their very special #GlobalGoals dedicated song + music video recorded here at the @UN. #BTSatUNGA 141
1600819999543037954 So moving to hear the stories of the survivors of the atomic bomb attacks of Hiroshima & Nagasaki & see their unwavering resolve to turn their tragic history into a rallying cry for the safety of humanity. We must never forget what happened to them & their families that day. 138
1603763517642907655 Deeply disturbed by reports of journalists being arbitrarily suspended from Twitter. Media freedom is not a toy. A free press is the cornerstone of democratic societies and a key tool in the fight against harmful disinformation. 137

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1440019373654257671 I had a great conversation with Korea’s President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture - @BTS_twt They are so deeply committed to inspiring their fans to embrace the #GlobalGoals and be the change our world so desperately needs. Video coming soon! 542
1487834896647307279 After 15 months of conflict, almost 40% of Tigrayans are suffering an extreme lack of food. @WFP is doing all it can to ensure convoys with food and medicines make it through the frontlines, but no convoy has reached Tigray since mid-December. 279
1443191260735582218 “So people have been eating roots and flowers and plants instead of a normal steady meal." “The lack of food will mean that people will start to die.” - @UNReliefChief 🆘#Ethiopia 198
1440366945413439492 My interview with President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture @BTS_twt is out! Immensely inspiring to see BTS fans joining them in committing to be an army of positive forces for a better world. Full interview: 162
1439962647764553745 "We thought the world has stopped, but it continues to move forward. Every choice we make is the beginning of change." How moving to witness @BTS_twt speaking at the #UNGA & hear their very special #GlobalGoals dedicated song + music video recorded here at the @UN. #BTSatUNGA 108
1531716594388422657 Shireen Abu Akleh was a role-model for journalists in the Middle East & worldwide. Her legacy must be cherished. In her honour, we renamed our @UN training programme to "The Shireen Abu Akleh Training Programme for Palestinian Broadcasters & Journalists". 55
1603763517642907655 Deeply disturbed by reports of journalists being arbitrarily suspended from Twitter. Media freedom is not a toy. A free press is the cornerstone of democratic societies and a key tool in the fight against harmful disinformation. 48
1590725377940664320 Some active #Twitter users are leaving the platform fearing an explosion of hate & disinformation. We are also worried. But the @UN is still there because our job involves sharing sane, fact-based, & life-saving information with the world. Here is why: 41
1414229498153869313 The sad reality that is the state of our #COVID19 world. ⁦@mvankerkhove⁩ ⁦@WHO⁩ 36
1421155350657519623 So disturbing: Over 100,000 children in Tigray could die of acute malnutrition in the next year. @UNICEF calls for unfettered access across the region to bring in the supplies needed to save them. 33

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1440019373654257671 I had a great conversation with Korea’s President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture - @BTS_twt They are so deeply committed to inspiring their fans to embrace the #GlobalGoals and be the change our world so desperately needs. Video coming soon! 116383
1439962647764553745 "We thought the world has stopped, but it continues to move forward. Every choice we make is the beginning of change." How moving to witness @BTS_twt speaking at the #UNGA & hear their very special #GlobalGoals dedicated song + music video recorded here at the @UN. #BTSatUNGA 49020
1440366945413439492 My interview with President @moonriver365 & his Special Envoys for Future Generations & Culture @BTS_twt is out! Immensely inspiring to see BTS fans joining them in committing to be an army of positive forces for a better world. Full interview: 20936
1446107460192722946 This @BTS_twt compassionate 'love myself' message + campaign with @UNICEF is so needed at this toxic time of social media-fueled insecurity and anxiety. #globalcitizen 6866
1452009591022178312 Why did we welcome @BTS_twt into the @UN? Check out my interview with @nbcaaron and his exploration into the positive ripple effects of their activism for kindness towards ourselves, each other and our planet. 4326
1531716594388422657 Shireen Abu Akleh was a role-model for journalists in the Middle East & worldwide. Her legacy must be cherished. In her honour, we renamed our @UN training programme to "The Shireen Abu Akleh Training Programme for Palestinian Broadcasters & Journalists". 2234
1573026821205114882 Pakistan is going through a climate change nightmare. Heard from PM @CMShehbaz & Information Minister @Marriyum_A about just how apocalyptic the floods are for their people. I pledged to continue to advocate loud for massive financial support, and justice. 1554
1603763517642907655 Deeply disturbed by reports of journalists being arbitrarily suspended from Twitter. Media freedom is not a toy. A free press is the cornerstone of democratic societies and a key tool in the fight against harmful disinformation. 1033
1439253379088269319 When people started leaving, @UNICEF’s @SamMort9 remained in Afghanistan, along with other @UN colleagues, to help children as they face hunger and fear. Listen to her stirring stories of loss, reunification & hope on our podcast 'Awake At Night'. 869
1502434119816466435 The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is deteriorating at an alarming pace. Millions have fled their homes for safety, an estimated 1.9 million people are displaced in Ukraine and 2.5 million have already crossed international borders. ⁦@UNOCHA⁩ ⁦@Refugees⁩ 827

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#covid19 352
#climateaction 76
#onlytogether 34
#ukraine 30
#unga 24
#actnow 23
#notatarget 22
#pledgetopause 20
#afghanistan 18
#globalgoals 17

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@un 273
@antonioguterres 153
@who 67
@refugees 56
@wfp 36
@unicef 34
@drtedros 29
@unreliefchief 20
@un_women 19
@unhumanrights 18

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🔹 23 small_blue_diamond
💔 12 broken_heart
🆘 11 SOS_button
🎧 10 headphone
📲 9 mobile_phone_with_arrow
🎨 9 artist_palette
🇺🇳 7 United_Nations
💙 6 blue_heart
🔊 5 speaker_high_volume
4 red_exclamation_mark

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 48
Objects 37
Smileys & Emotion 25
Activities 13
People & Body 10
Flags 7
Travel & Places 3
Food & Drink 1