Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @joinsideplus


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


Tweets discussed the members of Sidemen Roast, including whether or not censoring a roast is appropriate, ranking their performances, and celebrating Tobi's purchase of a house for a friend. Other topics discussed include the chaotic nature of Harry's videos, the amount of videos Simon does for the group, JJ's performance, and Tobi's likeness to Vini Jr.

Topic Modeling

  1. Censorship of Roasts
  2. Personalities and Relationships within the Sidemen Group
  3. Popular Videos Created by Members of the Group
  4. Content on YouTube
  5. The Gassing up of Members within the Group

Emotional Analysis

The sentiment expressed in these tweets is generally positive, with the users expressing admiration and appreciation for one another. There is also a humorous tone in many of the tweets, as the users joke around and poke fun at each other. There is also a sense of excitement and anticipation as the users discuss potential future plans and speculate about the outcomes of certain events. Overall, these tweets demonstrate a close-knit community of friends who share a light-hearted, supportive bond.

Trend Analysis

  1. Roasting
  2. Video creation and ownership by different people
  3. Comparison of talents among people
  4. Light-hearted Joking
  5. Censorship

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 512
Twitter for Android 281
Twitter Web App 116
Twitter for iPad 10
TweetDeck 5

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
eatsides Sides Fried chicken by @sidemen - 7 sauces. Which side are you on? ORDER NOW 🍗 146,002
dirtysouthradio DirtySouthRadio The #1 Rap Hip Hop #InternetAndMobileRadioStation Tune In At www.DSRM,us 138,448
BVF_999 HAZEM (racks enthusiast)🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦 parody account Egyptian 🇪🇬 (21) free Palestine 🇵🇸 'everyday chasing the racks' variety fan account tweeting whatever I feel about tweeting 10,762
JimJorsey Jim #AmericaFirst 10,191
geeteeukah GeeTee Ukah YouTuber▪︎Media Guy▪︎Video Editor 5,071
ZozoLittle1999 Zoe Little #KSIINREALLIFE I highly recommend everyone to go and watch @ksi #KSIINREALLIFE 3,599
GOTGAMES_TB G.O.T Games UK's Biggest Verified Music Reaction/Review YouTube Channel! | Twitch Partner | Business Enquiries: #WaffleGang 3,509
DankcubeYT Younes♻️ 500K+ on Youtube thanks to @KSI 📩business : IG ➡️ @kh___youness 3,409
PlaceInMeg meg took an L & i won’t go home • 24 3,288
KSITweets KSI Tweets Official KSI Tweets, not really 3,163

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
dirtysouthradio DirtySouthRadio The #1 Rap Hip Hop #InternetAndMobileRadioStation Tune In At www.DSRM,us 144,924
JimJorsey Jim #AmericaFirst 11,019
BVF_999 HAZEM (racks enthusiast)🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦 parody account Egyptian 🇪🇬 (21) free Palestine 🇵🇸 'everyday chasing the racks' variety fan account tweeting whatever I feel about tweeting 9,973
geeteeukah GeeTee Ukah YouTuber▪︎Media Guy▪︎Video Editor 5,065
LilJollyJoker LilJollyJoker  18 ⭑ @ShipStreaming • @Slayybtw • @StamXBL 5,002
isaiah_senku 👑Isaiah_Senku👑 content creator / gamer / weeb / CEO OF SENKUINIAN ENT. / Ruler of Senku Nation / Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Leo Rising😈 5,001
ziggysstory Becs ‏ 🇩🇰 sidemen 4 life! believe in yourself, always♥︎ love you @patronumnn ♥︎ @sidemen ♥︎ 4,959
waynesgree98 itzWeezy__ 4,861
ZozoLittle1999 Zoe Little #KSIINREALLIFE I highly recommend everyone to go and watch @ksi #KSIINREALLIFE 4,186
pebbletoe clove 🦕 half of my tweets are about tv shows/movies 👍 4,174

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Jrgen87418789 POG CHAMP 9
Marwaisthebest North African 🇲🇦 7
LordYung11 #SparklesAndChampagne “Can I wash my pinky in your kitchen sinky?” -Pro Kavorka. Banger Tweets recently ngl 6
kara_r0 🕊 just another casual book nerd 🥺 6
PUNKFWN space invaders defender ! 6
shutupaashman not ur friend | prod. @ 17 6
xSkyler82 I really do hate the Working Class smh 👺 5
Manuel42903706 Crypto entrepreneur 5
MasterKey2004 - 5
Josuaentertain - 5

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624774737455898626 @joinsideplus I make a giant bowl of Chili, sit down with my wife and we pause it like 100 times and end up taking 3 hours to watch a 40 minute video 😂 good times! Can't wait to do it again tonight! 2
1624785889464295425 @Sidemen @joinsideplus enjoy cuties 2
1624419969126764546 @joinsideplus i would argue that harry’s chaotic videos are what make them one of the best 2
1624389247129260034 @Charleexoxo28 @joinsideplus Jj is good. But I think he also takes the best ideas from their list as well, which contributes to some of those big videos he's taken charge of. In terms of the overall planning and execution, Tobi and Simon definitely have a case for being above. 1
1624686928153935872 Turn On my Notifs Goats @joinsideplus @Sidemen 1
1627225431907897345 It's Friggin #sidemensunday !!!!!! can't wait to see the boys get absolutely violated ! @Sidemen @joinsideplus i'm eagerly waiting for the BTS!!! 1
1626660546874335248 @LordYung11 @joinsideplus @Tobjizzle @Mabel @miniminter @ZerkaaHD Im not him, neither are you, I’m just telling you that you need to pipe down before you stay single your whole life 1
1626659058768830471 @urVibe3 @joinsideplus @Tobjizzle @Mabel @miniminter @ZerkaaHD Your not HIM, all your opinions are invalidated buddy, I know everything do your research before stepping to my knowledge again 1
1626657701097791515 @LordYung11 @joinsideplus @Tobjizzle @Mabel @miniminter @ZerkaaHD Classic guy that thinks a guy and a woman can’t be civil together without sex, be better mate 1
1626192031239270400 @SidePlusYT Saw your post ! Would love to @joinsideplus here is the comment I left on your post and all the proof needed 😁 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627385502767763458 @joinsideplus Why censore a roast? Like are you fr? It’s a roast… it’s supposed to be mad 500
1626629226567962626 @joinsideplus @Tobjizzle @Mabel @miniminter @ZerkaaHD Minter one of the quickest and wittiest out there man last is a VIOLATION 498
1624419969126764546 @joinsideplus i would argue that harry’s chaotic videos are what make them one of the best 350
1624456994319900673 @joinsideplus Simon does like 99% of the MoreSidemen vids also 247
1624389592240586752 @joinsideplus ksi made 20v1s and tinders he has to be second 218
1624460768552046592 @joinsideplus nah i really want to know which ones did vikk made tho 😂 215
1626647977808003072 @joinsideplus @sidemenupdated @Tobjizzle @Mabel @miniminter @ZerkaaHD Tell me you don’t watch sidemen without telling me u don’t watch sidemen 195
1627408634186502150 @joinsideplus Why is cal the dragon there 🤣 189
1625204023014920194 @joinsideplus @Mabel @miniminter @Tobjizzle @ZerkaaHD Tobi bought me a house last week. I really appreciate you my G @Tobjizzle 🙌 181
1624835602179842050 @joinsideplus Absolutely no prizes for guessing what we do 🫡 180

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#sidemensunday 5
#freecarti 1
#goated 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@joinsideplus 928
@tobjizzle 164
@zerkaahd 157
@mabel 134
@miniminter 134
@behzinga 66
@ksi 58
@wroetoshaw 57
@vikkstar123 48
@sidemen 30

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 87 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 30 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😭 27 loudly_crying_face
💀 16 skull
👌 8 OK_hand
😅 7 grinning_face_with_sweat
🔥 7 fire
😁 6 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
🇩🇴 6 Dominican_Republic
👀 5 eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 220
People & Body 44
Flags 12
Travel & Places 7
Animals & Nature 5
Activities 4
Objects 3
Food & Drink 1
Symbols 1