Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @g1ntl


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

2 years


The tweets discuss someone's very optimistic expectations to win Grand Final %100, someone's 2x dream in Heats 5/5, mentioning some people, someone's belief in his talent, and hopes of a surprise winning team return from the underground in FNCS.

Topic Modeling

  1. Predictions with grand finals
  2. Heats 5/5 starts
  3. Competitors and performances
  4. Poor chances and hopes
  5. Good wishes and trust

Emotional Analysis

These tweets express a range of emotions from excitement and optimism to sadness and disappointment. The tweets indicate that the writers are hopeful that their predictions will be correct and that they will be successful in their pursuits. However, they also express disappointment when their expectations are not met and frustration when they encounter obstacles. Finally, there is a sense of optimism and trust in the future, with the writers expressing a belief that they can achieve their goals and that good things will come in the end.

Trend Analysis

  1. Playing Fortnite
  2. Competing for high rankings
  3. Locating teams on the leaderboard
  4. Expressing hopes and desires to win
  5. Encouraging each other in the gaming process

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 51
Twitter for Android 22
Twitter Web App 11
Twitter for iPad 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
QnDxx QnDx 🇴🇲🇴🇲 | Competitive Fortnite Player For any Inquiries: @InsanityFN 35,685
FNMalkawi Malkawi Pro Fortnite For @TrojanEspt ~ 6x GrandFinalist ~ 2x Cach cup Winner | inquiries : @Nas1r_ 8,980
xJamFN xJam 🇵🇰| F/A | 8x FNCS Grandfinalistmanaged by @UsmanMGMT 8,461
xisimba SIMBA Cash cup Winner @FNCompetitive 1,005
i2Reap Reap Pc Tweaker for ?| inquiries Dm 🤝Worked with: @g1ntl |@iNm7x| @RqxAE|@Kalgamer710|@Arrow__fn|@Nachiiri| |@PowerOfHero|@BalorFN| 856
A4Mys MaXMoDe @FNCompetitive l +2000$ earnings l For any inquiries dm @aaravplays 757
_Hunter1x_ Hunter/هنتر 1x CC Finals/1x FNCS Semi-Finals | سبحان الله ، والحمد لله ، ولا اله الا الله ، والله اكبر | @Snowyka 654
PrinceSUiii Prince - 650
VSHERO2003 ♡𝓧𝐑のشُيَرٍۆ ☘️🇸🇦 307

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
A4Mys MaXMoDe @FNCompetitive l +2000$ earnings l For any inquiries dm @aaravplays 1,202
xJamFN xJam 🇵🇰| F/A | 8x FNCS Grandfinalistmanaged by @UsmanMGMT 999
Rabah83202347 RIPOO 🇩🇿🇵🇸❤️ اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على نبينا وحبيبنا محمد ❤️🤲سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم ❤️💫basketball player for CRBDB🤍❤️🏀GAMER ❤️ 🎮 789
TQ_Baraa براء💚 - 686
_Hunter1x_ Hunter/هنتر 1x CC Finals/1x FNCS Semi-Finals | سبحان الله ، والحمد لله ، ولا اله الا الله ، والله اكبر | @Snowyka 637
VLnSlyver سلايڤر - Slyver لَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللَّهُ مُحَمَّدُ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ l @FCBarcelona l 621
QnDxx QnDx 🇴🇲🇴🇲 | Competitive Fortnite Player For any Inquiries: @InsanityFN 618
i2Reap Reap Pc Tweaker for ?| inquiries Dm 🤝Worked with: @g1ntl |@iNm7x| @RqxAE|@Kalgamer710|@Arrow__fn|@Nachiiri| |@PowerOfHero|@BalorFN| 560
midzols 🇦🇪ابوزولس الحياة قليتشات 540
Jshsh61433597 🇲🇦great الله اكبر،الحمد لله دائما و ابدا 476

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
PrinceSUiii - 17
abdullahassi315 - 4
0iprx @GENERAL___9 اخوي اللي ماجابته امي🤍 3
1Waaled @PrvWaleed 2
Musaed_27 - 2
AGENT_FN__ 🇯🇴||Pro Fortnite Player For ||800$ ||2x Elite Final ||4X cc qualifier||For Inquiries Dm @7e_49 2
VLnSlyver لَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللَّهُ مُحَمَّدُ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ l @FCBarcelona l 2
TQ_Baraa - 2
BndrFNN 15 🇸🇦 | FA 2
Rkoooo_1 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624850012613099520 توقعاتي بالجراند فاينل %100 وارجعوا لي بعد 20 يوم🤪😘🥇@i4rew1 @spyerfrog 🥈@IIFKS_ @AdapterFN 🥉@5aldxihkx @JKReet14🏅@snowvakss @kal5🏅@L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka 6🏅@RqxAE @MsharyFN 7🏅@Fahadclipz @YonxFN 8🏅@g1ntl @Nachiiri 9🏅@Rampage1x @ModaFnn 10🏅@QnDxx @_rapit 2
1627757666767454208 @FNcompReport @spyerfrog @g1ntl @vNasir_ best trio and they were landing the rig 😓 0
1624872786597494790 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit اقول فكس توب ون وسوريانو توب تو مشان ننقهر اكتر من قهر لو مابدع😆 0
1624854149597634562 @Rkoooo_1 @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit بتصير صدقنييي😱 0
1624854643183427584 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit باذن الواحد الاحد 0
1624855349327978496 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit ترا مافي مستحيل سريانو بيجيبها وانا أثق في قدوتي 0
1624855570619461633 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit صدقني يا ابو برنس انه راح يجيب على الاقل من توب 8 0
1624861265431523333 @PrinceSUiii @Rabah83202347 @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit سريانو يبدع بس في سبيك 0
1624868016214122496 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit نمح مب من توب١٠ صدقني غلطان 0
1624869365739929600 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit مرمر توقعاتي انا الي ما تخيب 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624850012613099520 توقعاتي بالجراند فاينل %100 وارجعوا لي بعد 20 يوم🤪😘🥇@i4rew1 @spyerfrog 🥈@IIFKS_ @AdapterFN 🥉@5aldxihkx @JKReet14🏅@snowvakss @kal5🏅@L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka 6🏅@RqxAE @MsharyFN 7🏅@Fahadclipz @YonxFN 8🏅@g1ntl @Nachiiri 9🏅@Rampage1x @ModaFnn 10🏅@QnDxx @_rapit 72
1627240307703128065 Here in Heats 5/5 @ns1fn strats @g1ntl 43
1624115552313540621 @g1ntl 21
1624851324771659776 @HassanM60846967 @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit ودي سوريانو وحلمي اشوفه 2x لكن للاسف يملك ازق حظ بالريجون 😞💔 6
1624850734717054981 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit وانا اقولك فكس او سوريانو الاول 4
1624852382642315272 @abdullahassi315 @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit تشوف انت من بداية تشابتر الدو ما قد صار اون كون 😭 2
1624852142665113600 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit حرام عليك وين سوسو صدقني بيجيب من top 8 2
1625062813642248193 @midzols @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit احس مستحيل😂 2
1624855349327978496 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit ترا مافي مستحيل سريانو بيجيبها وانا أثق في قدوتي 2
1624850811984527360 @PrinceSUiii @i4rew1 @spyerfrog @IIFKS_ @AdapterFN @5aldxihkx @JKReet1 @snowvakss @Kal @L2AbuFal7 @Snowyka @RqxAE @MsharyFN @Fahadclipz @YonxFN @g1ntl @Nachiiri @Rampage1x @ModaFnn @QnDxx @_rapit صدقني انه بيبدع و بيجيب من التوب ٥ بس ان شاءالله لو كان ان كون 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@g1ntl 86
@nachiiri 59
@qndxx 57
@spyerfrog 56
@i4rew1 54
@iifks_ 54
@adapterfn 54
@5aldxihkx 54
@snowvakss 54
@l2abufal7 54

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🏅 14 sports_medal
😂 6 face_with_tears_of_joy
👑 3 crown
🤍 3 white_heart
💔 3 broken_heart
😞 3 disappointed_face
🔥 2 fire
🤪 2 zany_face
😘 2 face_blowing_a_kiss
🥇 2 1st_place_medal

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 27
Activities 20
Objects 3
Travel & Places 2
People & Body 1