Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Karachi, Pakistan



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
pakistan 4966
love 3269
pti 3023
pakistani 2547
khan 2356
proud 1994
news 1853
student 1821
imran 1747
politics 1652

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#pti 348
#pakistan 171
#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 155
#imrankhan 130
#pakistani 129
#ptifamily 93
#muslim 85
#pakistanzindabad 70
#teamik 62
#insafian 60

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
fawadchaudhry 6306126 2884 49655
WaseemBadami 5114428 885 12602
asmashirazi 3871646 1241 40985
zartajgulwazir 3761558 185 25630
Dawn_News 2479814 265 300568
KlasraRauf 2371123 5341 114359
6BillionPeople 2033358 4022792 183296
zlj517 1984696 171044 72046
MehwishHayat 1708139 431 3838
MaleehaHashmey 1625429 96 33211

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4022792 2033358 183296
SinghLions 1431143 1333799 33939
djkingassassin 1374291 472229 137841
BeefEnt 430628 144982 518183
CMichaelGibson 378223 437620 83152
kumax 359171 326381 104138
GoalsOnTrack 247698 225771 54482
DrEricGrabowsky 216908 160632 15020
zlj517 171044 1984696 72046
SoStarMusic 160901 197029 325717

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
mohsinmalvi19 810607 144742 87366
blackrepublican 607809 62285 80773
SaleemUddinAns2 585912 4145 5005
BeefEnt 518183 144982 430628
KarachiKings19s 472864 10417 7901
AmbreenPTI1 430799 274228 1611
Wasim_Wazir 422022 63929 658
SwatiJawadPTI 418352 2325 4741
shaddad_marwat 415809 3294 5007
alvina91 408611 1087 307

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
dtapscott 5594 22048 106461
6BillionPeople 4048 4022792 2033358
zlj517 3520 171044 1984696
Declaracion 2929 19021 905019
johannhari101 2703 2113 139424
SinghLions 2542 1431143 1333799
kuriharan 2421 44841 63627
CMichaelGibson 2420 378223 437620
MikeElgan 2417 25792 43911
fawadchaudhry 2136 2884 6306126

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

335 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1586615198147911680 #ArshadSharifShaheed 💔 6268
1626137616264400896 زبان خلق کو نقارہ خدا سمجھو 2498
1633442819443503104 Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Human Rights of Pakistan #زمان_پارک_پہنچو 2163
1555900677519511559 Goes without doubt — I stand with The President of Pakistan 🇵🇰 @ArifAlvi 1337
1641070586125332480 #PTISMT volunteers from Karachi have been ABDUCTED with absolute no update on their whereabouts @ArshadSidiqi missing since Sunday - no one knows where he is @FahadJSiddiqui1 missing since Monday no clue where he is Mudassir Rehman missing since Monday #BehindYouPTISMT 1134
1529434591122968578 Shelling in Karachi at Shahrah e quaideen! #حقیقی_آذادی_مارچ 954
1532592931869282305 کئ گھنٹے گزر گۓ منصور علی خان کی پٹرول مصنوعات میں Rs30 کے اضافی کی ٹویٹ کا انتظار کرتے کرتے صبح ہوگئ مجھے امید ہے کہ @_Mansoor_Ali اپنی صحافی غیرجانبداری کا صبوط دیں گے اور انشالللہ کچھ ہی دیر میں اپنے ناظرین کو پٹرول کی بڑھتی قیمتوں کی بری خبر سنائین گے #امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 827
1641910902097330176 Salman Khan another PTI SMT abducted from Karachi - met him today at the #BehindYouPTISMT to protest for the abduction of three volunteers — Arshad Siddiqui — Fahad Siddiqui — Mudassir Rehman and now — Salman Khan All missing by Na Maalom Afrad 746
1640586291858362369 I know each & everyone of these passionate Pakistanis Whoever is threatening, abducting or raiding houses ILLEGALLY— has absolutely no idea of each of their resolve & commitment for the cause of Pakistan under Imran Khan Good luck silencing #PTISMT = NEVER #BehindYouPTISMT 703
1561733168453017601 Shocking to see how #CrimeMinister has been arresting journalists across Pakistan for speaking up Wondering how the Media rights activists will cough a furball & roll over to play dead Had this been in #PTI goodness the ROONA DHONA #عمران_خان_ہماری_ریڈ_لائن #JameelFarooqui 636

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1633442819443503104 Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Human Rights of Pakistan #زمان_پارک_پہنچو 142
1586615198147911680 #ArshadSharifShaheed 💔 126
1555900677519511559 Goes without doubt — I stand with The President of Pakistan 🇵🇰 @ArifAlvi 91
1639547088655507456 If you are in the spotlight in the discussion of crooks like Sharjeel Memon Then you have done something good 😂 پاکستان ذنداباد 77
1595028914648518657 BREAKING: MBS has announced a Rolls Royce Phantom to each team member having defeated ARG #FIFAWorldCup #SAvsARG #SaudiArabia 🇸🇦 serves up the first major upset of the #FIFAWorldCup 71
1532592931869282305 کئ گھنٹے گزر گۓ منصور علی خان کی پٹرول مصنوعات میں Rs30 کے اضافی کی ٹویٹ کا انتظار کرتے کرتے صبح ہوگئ مجھے امید ہے کہ @_Mansoor_Ali اپنی صحافی غیرجانبداری کا صبوط دیں گے اور انشالللہ کچھ ہی دیر میں اپنے ناظرین کو پٹرول کی بڑھتی قیمتوں کی بری خبر سنائین گے #امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 67
1626137616264400896 زبان خلق کو نقارہ خدا سمجھو 47
1641070586125332480 #PTISMT volunteers from Karachi have been ABDUCTED with absolute no update on their whereabouts @ArshadSidiqi missing since Sunday - no one knows where he is @FahadJSiddiqui1 missing since Monday no clue where he is Mudassir Rehman missing since Monday #BehindYouPTISMT 44
1623177305945251840 Bad Weather …. …. is almost like Erdogan giving ONE TIGHT SLAP 😂 40
1548732940242325504 Some tweets to be made for preservation of mankind’s memory of what had happened on that day 40

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1633442819443503104 Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Human Rights of Pakistan #زمان_پارک_پہنچو 164
1595028914648518657 BREAKING: MBS has announced a Rolls Royce Phantom to each team member having defeated ARG #FIFAWorldCup #SAvsARG #SaudiArabia 🇸🇦 serves up the first major upset of the #FIFAWorldCup 136
1586615198147911680 #ArshadSharifShaheed 💔 92
1626137616264400896 زبان خلق کو نقارہ خدا سمجھو 46
1641070586125332480 #PTISMT volunteers from Karachi have been ABDUCTED with absolute no update on their whereabouts @ArshadSidiqi missing since Sunday - no one knows where he is @FahadJSiddiqui1 missing since Monday no clue where he is Mudassir Rehman missing since Monday #BehindYouPTISMT 40
1529434591122968578 Shelling in Karachi at Shahrah e quaideen! #حقیقی_آذادی_مارچ 37
1555900677519511559 Goes without doubt — I stand with The President of Pakistan 🇵🇰 @ArifAlvi 35
1561733168453017601 Shocking to see how #CrimeMinister has been arresting journalists across Pakistan for speaking up Wondering how the Media rights activists will cough a furball & roll over to play dead Had this been in #PTI goodness the ROONA DHONA #عمران_خان_ہماری_ریڈ_لائن #JameelFarooqui 24
1532592931869282305 کئ گھنٹے گزر گۓ منصور علی خان کی پٹرول مصنوعات میں Rs30 کے اضافی کی ٹویٹ کا انتظار کرتے کرتے صبح ہوگئ مجھے امید ہے کہ @_Mansoor_Ali اپنی صحافی غیرجانبداری کا صبوط دیں گے اور انشالللہ کچھ ہی دیر میں اپنے ناظرین کو پٹرول کی بڑھتی قیمتوں کی بری خبر سنائین گے #امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 17
1585330508132515840 Smart men shouldve presented Vawda PC in a more strategic way to have been convincing Should not have sent the update via PID Should have not allow cov across all channels, def not PTV Should not have updated JOOTA WhatsApp group 3 hrs before Mistakes = Exposed themselves 15

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1586615198147911680 #ArshadSharifShaheed 💔 36581
1626137616264400896 زبان خلق کو نقارہ خدا سمجھو 6225
1555900677519511559 Goes without doubt — I stand with The President of Pakistan 🇵🇰 @ArifAlvi 5334
1633442819443503104 Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Human Rights of Pakistan #زمان_پارک_پہنچو 3181
1529434591122968578 Shelling in Karachi at Shahrah e quaideen! #حقیقی_آذادی_مارچ 1737
1532592931869282305 کئ گھنٹے گزر گۓ منصور علی خان کی پٹرول مصنوعات میں Rs30 کے اضافی کی ٹویٹ کا انتظار کرتے کرتے صبح ہوگئ مجھے امید ہے کہ @_Mansoor_Ali اپنی صحافی غیرجانبداری کا صبوط دیں گے اور انشالللہ کچھ ہی دیر میں اپنے ناظرین کو پٹرول کی بڑھتی قیمتوں کی بری خبر سنائین گے #امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 1620
1596037705804050432 Excellent dubbing But truly Prophet ﷺ would remind ppl all the time to do Miswak 22 Ahadees exist. Angel asked him to do it with every وحی So he did it with every Wazoo, at night, when going out to meet ppl, said prevents bad breath & was last thing he did before he departed 1452
1641070586125332480 #PTISMT volunteers from Karachi have been ABDUCTED with absolute no update on their whereabouts @ArshadSidiqi missing since Sunday - no one knows where he is @FahadJSiddiqui1 missing since Monday no clue where he is Mudassir Rehman missing since Monday #BehindYouPTISMT 1345
1640586291858362369 I know each & everyone of these passionate Pakistanis Whoever is threatening, abducting or raiding houses ILLEGALLY— has absolutely no idea of each of their resolve & commitment for the cause of Pakistan under Imran Khan Good luck silencing #PTISMT = NEVER #BehindYouPTISMT 1266
1641910902097330176 Salman Khan another PTI SMT abducted from Karachi - met him today at the #BehindYouPTISMT to protest for the abduction of three volunteers — Arshad Siddiqui — Fahad Siddiqui — Mudassir Rehman and now — Salman Khan All missing by Na Maalom Afrad 976

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#ppp 22
#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور 16
#mqm 14
#pti 10
#حقیقی_آزادی_جلسہ 9
#pdm 8
#acharmix 8
#pmln 8
#fifaworldcup 8
#حقیقی_آزادی_مارچ 8

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@imrankhanpti 8
@alihzaidipti 4
@ptiofficial 4
@arifalvi 3
@fawadchaudhry 2
@inspiredentalpk 2
@shabazgil 2
@adnanismailpti 2
@atta_ur_rahman 1
@arshadsidiqi 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 6 face_with_tears_of_joy
🏏 5 cricket_game
🇵🇰 4 Pakistan
🇮🇷 4 Iran
🙏🏽 3 folded_hands_medium_skin_tone
3 high_voltage
🇸🇦 2 Saudi_Arabia
🖐🏽 1 hand_with_fingers_splayed_medium_skin_tone
✌️ 1 victory_hand
👀 1 eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 13
Smileys & Emotion 11
People & Body 7
Activities 5
Travel & Places 3