Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
sports 775
football 384
husband 336
father 309
love 297
dad 229
college 226
alum 215
life 200
coach 174

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#1 20
#blm 15
#bbn 15
#wps 15
#goblue 12
#godawgs 12
#goducks 10
#nfl 10
#sports 10
#chiefskingdom 10

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14095140 586978 7473
SinghLions 1330436 1429688 33974
PTI 1127101 317 9175
NOH8Campaign 799079 358043 13974
Moreno 430850 420833 64783
JasonKander 368429 2946 36029
ClimateHuman 338949 13615 20982
brikeilarcnn 323714 1679 9385
DannySheridan1 321482 954 17812
Tennis 317270 1309 96879

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1429688 1330436 33974
JohnCena 586978 14095140 7473
Moreno 420833 430850 64783
NOH8Campaign 358043 799079 13974
Chicago_History 96443 122235 47176
pilotspeaker 68583 75069 164409
kevin_powell 67677 78705 132490
PerezEd 66419 61786 5749
ScottC_Scout 60612 58992 1887
BernardMarr 56570 138057 37046

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
MattMurph24 1582322 31385 23823
Eldorado2452 353341 6031 2005
K_Ban 330714 735 4946
Black_mambao24 259419 2393 3304
mikefreemanNFL 244312 116863 25400
secjr112 239025 3411 4678
Ken_bbv 227791 2082 4371
jmrichey81 217235 1208 3378
JoshEberley 215899 45644 7753
ericcbarnes 195911 10257 11283

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31627 586978 14095140
PTI 8423 317 1127101
NOH8Campaign 7535 358043 799079
johnhollinger 7205 506 203294
LarrySabato 4864 35613 204102
BernardMarr 4819 56570 138057
Tennis 4457 1309 317270
SherwoodStrauss 3938 1616 99643
dmorey 3778 3191 302929
StevenTDennis 3259 15390 170157

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

111 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 3058
Twitter Web App 166
TweetDeck Web App 26

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1628148026324791300 COLUMN: The only person in the wrong place at the wrong time is Nate Oats, a coach who proved himself unfit Tuesday to handle a real-life tragedy that has now redefined Alabama’s season with the involvement of its best player now revealed via @USATODAY 355
1628133155021459456 My column on Nate Oats and the dumpster fire at Alabama is on the way. Truly one of the more shocking and disappointing days I’ve had covering college sports in awhile. Oats and AD Greg Byrne should be ashamed. 294
1636939368681144320 Worst officiating moment of the tournament. If Memphis loses they’ll have a very legit gripe 249
1636440842142400547 Tony Bennett: 2018: Lose as a 1 to a 16 2019: Win national championship 2020: Tournament cancelled 2021: Lose as a 4 to a 13 2022: NIT 2023: Lose as a 4 to a 13 155
1629610026158415879 COLUMN: Alabama basketball keeps pretending it’s business as usual as the wins keep piling up. The rest of the country won’t forget what a disgrace the program is. via @USATODAY 125
1639643465071067137 The fact that Alabama didn’t come out the day after the shooting and say they were suspending the two players who were there while gathering more information will go down as one of the biggest blunders in college sports history 119
1631142085364514817 They don’t care. They don’t have empathy. They haven’t shown even a scintilla of seriousness about the fact that three players were at the scene of a murder. It’s one of the sickest things I’ve seen in college sports. 102
1636939110962044931 That’s horrible. Memphis had the timeout before the ball was tied up. 75
1639798281344798720 Drew Timme looks utterly confused that he's gotten called for traveling twice in the first 8 1/2 minutes. UCLA fans wondering where that call was two nights ago. 73
1624545997027246080 Holy crap that is some awful officiating in Charlottesville. They overturn the foul saying it was after 0.0 when replay is inconclusive at best. Duke getting hosed. 71

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1628133155021459456 My column on Nate Oats and the dumpster fire at Alabama is on the way. Truly one of the more shocking and disappointing days I’ve had covering college sports in awhile. Oats and AD Greg Byrne should be ashamed. 3499
1628148026324791300 COLUMN: The only person in the wrong place at the wrong time is Nate Oats, a coach who proved himself unfit Tuesday to handle a real-life tragedy that has now redefined Alabama’s season with the involvement of its best player now revealed via @USATODAY 1985
1639643465071067137 The fact that Alabama didn’t come out the day after the shooting and say they were suspending the two players who were there while gathering more information will go down as one of the biggest blunders in college sports history 1831
1636939368681144320 Worst officiating moment of the tournament. If Memphis loses they’ll have a very legit gripe 1415
1639798281344798720 Drew Timme looks utterly confused that he's gotten called for traveling twice in the first 8 1/2 minutes. UCLA fans wondering where that call was two nights ago. 1027
1631142085364514817 They don’t care. They don’t have empathy. They haven’t shown even a scintilla of seriousness about the fact that three players were at the scene of a murder. It’s one of the sickest things I’ve seen in college sports. 841
1636440842142400547 Tony Bennett: 2018: Lose as a 1 to a 16 2019: Win national championship 2020: Tournament cancelled 2021: Lose as a 4 to a 13 2022: NIT 2023: Lose as a 4 to a 13 777
1629610026158415879 COLUMN: Alabama basketball keeps pretending it’s business as usual as the wins keep piling up. The rest of the country won’t forget what a disgrace the program is. via @USATODAY 672
1635042250572038144 A&M gets absolutely screwed. Wow. 606
1656457390936449025 Come on 506

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#coachingmatters 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@usatoday 343
@jonesy2x4 13
@na_na_nesci 10
@shaptennispod 7
@johnhollinger 7
@skinshoops86 6
@jjmydland 6
@mikefreemannfl 6
@imnotchris06 5
@yahooschwab 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🟩 21 green_square
😂 14 face_with_tears_of_joy
🧢 5 billed_cap
🤷🏻‍♂️ 4 man_shrugging_light_skin_tone
3 white_large_square
🚨 3 police_car_light
❄️ 3 snowflake
☠️ 3 skull_and_crossbones
👀 2 eyes
🐐 2 goat

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 25
Smileys & Emotion 24
People & Body 13
Travel & Places 8
Objects 5
Animals & Nature 2