Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @bisepofficial


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

2 years


BISEP, an Aga Khan Education Board in Karachi, has achieved a milestone through digitalization and e-marking. The Board and related authorities should take measures to ensure legal activity and follow the established criteria for paper assessment, with 40 and 32 pages for ninth, tenth, first year, and second year respectively. It further achieved a milestone in Peshawar with the Peshawar University Mahi Yai Hal and was also part of the Peshawar Zalmi for the PSL Trophy in 2023. Unfortunately, the result of the BISEP at night was disappointing. There have been requests for the Kashmir Bach da Khpal's results to be released, and for the results to be announced.

Topic Modeling

  1. Digitalization
  2. Education
  3. Education policy and regulations
  4. PESHWAR University
  5. BISEP Results

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from excitement, joy, and pride to disappointment, frustration, and confusion. The first tweet expresses excitement about a milestone achieved by BISEP and the Aga Khan Education Board Karachi. The second tweet expresses frustration that the board and related authorities have not solved the issue yet. The third tweet expresses confusion about the changes to paper patterns for the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. The fourth tweet expresses joy about a successful tour to Islamabad. The fifth tweet expresses disappointment with the BISEP result. The sixth tweet expresses a desire for the results of the Kashmir Bacha Khan exam to be released. The seventh tweet expresses confusion about when the results will be announced.

Trend Analysis

  • Digitalization
  • Education
  • Exams/Assessment
  • Peshawar Universities
  • Pakistan Cricket (PSL)

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 9
Twitter for iPhone 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Hidayat3H Hidayat Ullah Utk *قریب ان کے رہو، جو تم سے دور نہ رہ سکیں* 😊 💯 Follow Back🥰 ❤️ Surely ❤️ 1,148
FidaAdeel1 Fida Adeel Journalist/Author/Columnist/Tv- Anchor/Radio Broadcaster/V-logger /Blogger/ 1,064
MajeedU_1122 Majeed Ullah Bs Islamic study student in Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Pakistan 📞 1,030
AliWildaanEmaan Jahan Chevening Alumna 🤗, YCF Alumna 🤗 Associate Professor, Higher Education Department , Government of KPK, Mom of 2😍 167
MianMohammadMu1 ➐ میاں سانپ Pakistan ko Lootna Mera Azam hai, Pakistani awam ko Kabhi kush nahi dekh sakta#Bhekariyo #BeggersCantBeChoosers 73
Ayeshaoffical28 Ayesha ShAh Peshawar Born # Khattak # Proud Suni Muslim # Sports Lover # HSSC Student # Future Cardiologist (IA) # AWAMI # AMaL♥️ 19
PEC_KP1 Private Education Council KP Protecting & improving the education sector of Khyber Pahtunkhwa. 17
sanaullah026 Muhammad Sanaullah Khan Managing director at the 'The Islamic School of Sciences, 2

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
MajeedU_1122 Majeed Ullah Bs Islamic study student in Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Pakistan 📞 2,231
Hidayat3H Hidayat Ullah Utk *قریب ان کے رہو، جو تم سے دور نہ رہ سکیں* 😊 💯 Follow Back🥰 ❤️ Surely ❤️ 1,971
FidaAdeel1 Fida Adeel Journalist/Author/Columnist/Tv- Anchor/Radio Broadcaster/V-logger /Blogger/ 909
MianMohammadMu1 ➐ میاں سانپ Pakistan ko Lootna Mera Azam hai, Pakistani awam ko Kabhi kush nahi dekh sakta#Bhekariyo #BeggersCantBeChoosers 365
Ayeshaoffical28 Ayesha ShAh Peshawar Born # Khattak # Proud Suni Muslim # Sports Lover # HSSC Student # Future Cardiologist (IA) # AWAMI # AMaL♥️ 200
AliWildaanEmaan Jahan Chevening Alumna 🤗, YCF Alumna 🤗 Associate Professor, Higher Education Department , Government of KPK, Mom of 2😍 179
sanaullah026 Muhammad Sanaullah Khan Managing director at the 'The Islamic School of Sciences, 36
PEC_KP1 Private Education Council KP Protecting & improving the education sector of Khyber Pahtunkhwa. 7

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Hidayat3H *قریب ان کے رہو، جو تم سے دور نہ رہ سکیں* 😊 💯 Follow Back🥰 ❤️ Surely ❤️ 2
MajeedU_1122 Bs Islamic study student in Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Pakistan 📞 2
AliWildaanEmaan Chevening Alumna 🤗, YCF Alumna 🤗 Associate Professor, Higher Education Department , Government of KPK, Mom of 2😍 1
Ayeshaoffical28 Peshawar Born # Khattak # Proud Suni Muslim # Sports Lover # HSSC Student # Future Cardiologist (IA) # AWAMI # AMaL♥️ 1
FidaAdeel1 Journalist/Author/Columnist/Tv- Anchor/Radio Broadcaster/V-logger /Blogger/ 1
MianMohammadMu1 Pakistan ko Lootna Mera Azam hai, Pakistani awam ko Kabhi kush nahi dekh sakta#Bhekariyo #BeggersCantBeChoosers 1
PEC_KP1 Protecting & improving the education sector of Khyber Pahtunkhwa. 1
sanaullah026 Managing director at the 'The Islamic School of Sciences, 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624658611145433090 بورڈز اور متعلقہ اداروں کو چاہیے کہ اس مسلے کو حل کرلیں تاکہ قانونی کاروائی کی نوبت نہ آئے. @KPESED@EduMinistryPK@RTanveerPMLN @bisepofficial@GovernmentKP @SenatorMushtaq@BISESSOFFICIAL @AvtKhyberNews @infokpgovt #EducationMatters 5
1626435643969622017 نویں، دسویں، فرسٹ ائر اور سیکنڈ ائر کے پرچوں کا طریق کار تبدیل40 اور 32 صفحات پر مشتمل پیپرز؟امپروومنٹ کے قواعد بھی تبدیلپشاور تعلیمی بورڈ کے نئے فیصلے #KPUpdates @pukhtunkhwa360 @TheLehaz @bisepofficial #BISEPeshawar@Pakhtunkhwa360 2
1627600326491512832 Peshawr university mahi yai Hal howa hai deko #Peshawaruniversity #peshawar @USCGPeshawar @Peshawar_Air @bisepofficial 0
1627157587186667523 A milestone achieved by BISEP, after Aga Khan Education Board Karachi.#digitalization#Emarking@bisepofficial 0
1625495861496250375 #PeshawarZalmi #PSL2023 #PSL8Trophy @PeshawarZalmi @bisepofficial @babarazam258 0
1625141690272210946 HAd A grEat toUR to iSlaMABAd ..... ENjoyed Alot BUt TOo TireD!!!!!BUt aT NiGhT TruLY DisAPpoiNtEd bY ThE @bisepofficial ReSuLt.....🥹@bisepofficial YoU AlwAyS DisAPpoiNtEd US..... 0
1624729603364253697 @bisepofficial Da kashmir Bach da khpal results gham oke da results release ky 0
1624729452595798017 @bisepofficial When will be the results announce?? 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627157587186667523 A milestone achieved by BISEP, after Aga Khan Education Board Karachi.#digitalization#Emarking@bisepofficial 10
1624658611145433090 بورڈز اور متعلقہ اداروں کو چاہیے کہ اس مسلے کو حل کرلیں تاکہ قانونی کاروائی کی نوبت نہ آئے. @KPESED@EduMinistryPK@RTanveerPMLN @bisepofficial@GovernmentKP @SenatorMushtaq@BISESSOFFICIAL @AvtKhyberNews @infokpgovt #EducationMatters 6
1626435643969622017 نویں، دسویں، فرسٹ ائر اور سیکنڈ ائر کے پرچوں کا طریق کار تبدیل40 اور 32 صفحات پر مشتمل پیپرز؟امپروومنٹ کے قواعد بھی تبدیلپشاور تعلیمی بورڈ کے نئے فیصلے #KPUpdates @pukhtunkhwa360 @TheLehaz @bisepofficial #BISEPeshawar@Pakhtunkhwa360 3
1627600326491512832 Peshawr university mahi yai Hal howa hai deko #Peshawaruniversity #peshawar @USCGPeshawar @Peshawar_Air @bisepofficial 0
1625495861496250375 #PeshawarZalmi #PSL2023 #PSL8Trophy @PeshawarZalmi @bisepofficial @babarazam258 0
1625141690272210946 HAd A grEat toUR to iSlaMABAd ..... ENjoyed Alot BUt TOo TireD!!!!!BUt aT NiGhT TruLY DisAPpoiNtEd bY ThE @bisepofficial ReSuLt.....🥹@bisepofficial YoU AlwAyS DisAPpoiNtEd US..... 0
1624729603364253697 @bisepofficial Da kashmir Bach da khpal results gham oke da results release ky 0
1624729452595798017 @bisepofficial When will be the results announce?? 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#kpupdates 2
#bisepeshawar 2
#educationmatters 2
#peshawaruniversity 1
#peshawar 1
#digitalization 1
#peshawarzalmi 1
#psl2023 1
#psl8trophy 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@bisepofficial 10
@pukhtunkhwa360 2
@thelehaz 2
@kpesed 2
@senatormushtaq 2
@avtkhybernews 2
@infokpgovt 2
@uscgpeshawar 1
@peshawar_air 1
@fidaadeel1 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets