Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @AlarKaris
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
3 years
President of Estonia, Mr. @AlarKaris, visited various locations around the world in conjunction with NATO and the Estonian government. He was thanked and greeted by leaders and citizens everywhere he visited, and was praised for bringing strength to NATO and standing together with other allied countries. He also talked about research and current main development fields, as well as Cybernetica's defence project: Secure Digital Military Mobility. Additionally, he was enjoined to turn a blind eye to certain situations.
Topic Modeling
- NATO Battlegroup
- Defence Projects
- Smart Cities
- Allies Relations
- Military Exercises
Emotional Analysis
The tweets in this sample express a range of positive emotions, including gratitude, appreciation, honor, and respect. Several of the tweets thank @AlarKaris for visiting, attending a military exercise, or providing assistance. Others express admiration for the strength and professionalism of the Danes, as well as for the research and development areas of the Centre. Additionally, there is a sense of unity and solidarity among the allies, with phrases like "Together we stand stronger" and "We are Allies" being used. Finally, there is a sense of optimism and hope in the tweets, with references to the future and the potential for solutions to be found.
Trend Analysis
- International alliances
- Smart Cities
- Defence projects
- Political leaders
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 71 |
Twitter for Android | 70 |
Twitter for iPhone | 32 |
Twitter for iPad | 2 |
TweetDeck | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
GitanasNauseda | Gitanas Nausėda | President of the Republic of Lithuania | 131,754 |
MemeBurk | Meme Burk🌎🌊🇺🇸💙🇺🇦😷 | RetiredSci.Teacher;Progrsve;#BLM MEdCounseling;GreenPeace;#RESIST WildlifeHabitatCreator; #IAmAntifa #ClimateCrisisIsHere #ProtectLivingThings#BidenHarris | 8,684 |
csayosays | Christine Sayo | Comms | Board Director @LetsDoItWorld | @norecno fellow |@business FJT Alum | #SRHR |#ClimateChange |#GenderandClimateChange |#10000ReasonsToBeThankful . | 4,332 |
ComdUKeFP | Col Dai Bevan | Commander of the UK contribution to the @NATO enhanced Forward Presence mission in Estonia and Poland. 🇬🇧🇪🇪🇫🇷🇩🇰🇮🇸🇵🇱 | 3,466 |
DKAMBinEstonia | Niels Boel Abrahamsen🇩🇰🇪🇪 | Niels Boel Abrahamsen, Ambassador of Denmark to Estonia since 2022 | 3,026 |
lalojimjuarez | Eduardo Jiménez | Estudios Latinoamericanos UNAM CDMX. Docente de Educación Básica. Recorriendo el mundo escuchando milimétricamente las diversas voces y los ecos de sus actores. | 2,901 |
StephaneBussard | Stéphane Bussard | International Geneva correspondent, author of book #Trump, De la démagogie en Amérique, ex-US correspondent, expert on US, Iran, Italy, Germany, UN, Disarmament | 2,384 |
ACurrle | Amy Currle 🌊 🐾 🦅💔 | Gradúate Student - Concerned Citizen - Proud HBCU grad, #NCCU - Eagle 🦅 Pride...Amplified! Esentially a Realist with a “wild blue yonder” zip code. | 2,152 |
ukraine_ua123 | Europeans supporting Ukraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺 | Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine. Ukraine needs allies, not mediators. No to silence on genocide. No to appeasement. No to spheres of influence. | 1,936 |
omercelik | Ömer Çelik | Sr. Engineer at Amazon & Developer of | 1,411 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
MemeBurk | Meme Burk🌎🌊🇺🇸💙🇺🇦😷 | RetiredSci.Teacher;Progrsve;#BLM MEdCounseling;GreenPeace;#RESIST WildlifeHabitatCreator; #IAmAntifa #ClimateCrisisIsHere #ProtectLivingThings#BidenHarris | 8,718 |
zillathetrill | Darkzilla⚔️🍷🇺🇦 | Bespoke shitposting🧩Process engineer🚀, economics, big mountain⛷skiing. Learn, innovate, explore🔭 annexes:@zillathetrill2 @zillathetrill3 ⚓cuss like a sailor⚓ | 5,002 |
ukraine_ua123 | Europeans supporting Ukraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺 | Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine. Ukraine needs allies, not mediators. No to silence on genocide. No to appeasement. No to spheres of influence. | 5,001 |
lalojimjuarez | Eduardo Jiménez | Estudios Latinoamericanos UNAM CDMX. Docente de Educación Básica. Recorriendo el mundo escuchando milimétricamente las diversas voces y los ecos de sus actores. | 5,001 |
0226_1989 | 金杉圭司 | - | 4,765 |
Tubtimp1 | Tubtim | - | 3,704 |
ACurrle | Amy Currle 🌊 🐾 🦅💔 | Gradúate Student - Concerned Citizen - Proud HBCU grad, #NCCU - Eagle 🦅 Pride...Amplified! Esentially a Realist with a “wild blue yonder” zip code. | 3,081 |
csayosays | Christine Sayo | Comms | Board Director @LetsDoItWorld | @norecno fellow |@business FJT Alum | #SRHR |#ClimateChange |#GenderandClimateChange |#10000ReasonsToBeThankful . | 2,798 |
YuraSH_Lviv | WesT_2022🇺🇦 | "Я переможу у цій війні, навіть якщо не доживу"Олександр "Мадяр" Матяш.Слава Україні! Героям Навіки Слава! | 2,573 |
CSIFMiguelAngel | Miguel Ángel Recio | Técnico Superior Administracion Delegado del CSIF | 2,229 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
YuraSH_Lviv | "Я переможу у цій війні, навіть якщо не доживу"Олександр "Мадяр" Матяш.Слава Україні! Героям Навіки Слава! | 38 |
sergeisokolovSS | Где он ? | 36 |
antifaBaltic | Мы АнтиФа! Мы боремся с нацизмом, русофобией и расизмом в европейских странах | 8 |
macfionnlaig | In this age of information, ignorance is a choice. Those destined to fail are the author's of their own demise. | 6 |
jiqz74 | 🎄 | 4 |
USpitzl | in a world where you can be anything, be brave and kind 💪🏻🫶🏻 | 2 |
LLiuzniak | I'm trying to help Ukraine 💙💛 Company name: Все буде Україна! 🇺🇦 My specialty: 🎬 and 📺 director. I'm in search of new knowledge from other areas of art. | 2 |
zillathetrill | Bespoke shitposting🧩Process engineer🚀, economics, big mountain⛷skiing. Learn, innovate, explore🔭 annexes:@zillathetrill2 @zillathetrill3 ⚓cuss like a sailor⚓ | 2 |
queenherbgarden | 봄은 오고 있다. | 2 |
listsill | - | 2 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1626160956609798145 | @AlarKaris Thank you, friend 🇱🇹🇪🇪! | 5 |
1625178567364558850 | President of 🇪🇪, Mr @AlarKaris visited our Centre today. What an honour! We had the chance to introduce our #research areas, pilot projects and goals of creating solutions for #smartcities 🏙️ | 2 |
1626200422372331520 | Thank you @AlarKaris for visiting the eFP and seeing the strength the Danes bring to the @NATO battlegroup through the Leopard and their professionalism. #StrongerTogther. | 1 |
1625447882013741058 | Telegrami Podcast #77: kas süsteemi on parem lõhkuda seest või väljast? (külas Elvis Brauer) @eestiekspress @postimees @EestiPaevaleht @AlarKaris @kajakallas @Urmaspaet #koroonapettus #iqtest #tervisediktatuur | 1 |
1624001585230540802 | Yesterday, we had the honour to host the Estonian president @AlarKaris in our Tallinn office. We talked about Cybernetica's history, research and current main development fields. Additionally, we touched on our pan-European defence project Secure Digital Military Mobility. | 1 |
1627080274940137480 | The time is now. Make it count. @MunSecConf @jensstoltenberg @ZelenskyyUa @OlafScholz @RishiSunak @prezydentpl @GitanasNauseda @MarinSanna @niinisto @AlarKaris @SwedishPM @valstsgriba @Statsmin @jonasgahrstore @EmmanuelMacron @GiorgiaMeloni @POTUS @VP @SecBlinken @sanchezcastejon | 1 |
1626046499665633280 | @AlarKaris Vomit. Estonia makes me vomit. Abusive opportunists. You have long standing demographics issues you Nazis Apartheid scumbags. Now hiding under mommy's skirt. | 0 |
1626003628614987779 | @AlarKaris | 0 |
1625940220230217729 | @GitanasNauseda @LithuanianGovt @AlarKaris @GLandsbergis @valstsgriba @kajakallas @sandumaiamd @eucopresident @eduardheger @MinPres @niinisto @krisjaniskarins @ZuzanaCaputova @hugodejonge @SigridKaag @WBHoekstra @EP_President @guyverhofstadt @FedericaMog @MartinSchulz @donaldtusk | 0 |
1625862399226961920 | @studyinestonia @IlvesToomas @EconMinEstonia @MFAestonia @EEinEU @EstoniaUN @KerstiKaljulaid @EstonianWorld @EdChatEU @AlarKaris @haridusmin I want free application Universities or waiver codes. Paying €100 x the number of schools applied is expensive. | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1626160956609798145 | @AlarKaris Thank you, friend 🇱🇹🇪🇪! | 48 |
1626200422372331520 | Thank you @AlarKaris for visiting the eFP and seeing the strength the Danes bring to the @NATO battlegroup through the Leopard and their professionalism. #StrongerTogther. | 15 |
1625845907597017089 | Dear President @AlarKaris, Thank you for attending the military exercise with the @NATO #eFP #BattleGroup in 🇪🇪 today. Together we stand stronger 🇪🇪🇩🇰🇬🇧🇫🇷 #WeAreAllies #StrongerTogether @forsvaretdk | 14 |
1625178567364558850 | President of 🇪🇪, Mr @AlarKaris visited our Centre today. What an honour! We had the chance to introduce our #research areas, pilot projects and goals of creating solutions for #smartcities 🏙️ | 12 |
1624001585230540802 | Yesterday, we had the honour to host the Estonian president @AlarKaris in our Tallinn office. We talked about Cybernetica's history, research and current main development fields. Additionally, we touched on our pan-European defence project Secure Digital Military Mobility. | 8 |
1625414750350848001 | @necyryl @GitanasNauseda @LithuanianGovt @AlarKaris @GLandsbergis @valstsgriba @kajakallas @sandumaiamd @eucopresident @eduardheger @MinPres @niinisto @krisjaniskarins @ZuzanaCaputova @hugodejonge @SigridKaag @WBHoekstra @EP_President @guyverhofstadt @FedericaMog @MartinSchulz | 5 |
1625584276442865670 | @AlarKaris Oleme väga tänulikud abi eest, mida osutasite meile sellel raskel ajal. Aitäh! | 4 |
1625413803432108033 | @necyryl .@jensstoltenberg @AndrzejDuda @valstsgriba @AlarKaris @jonasgahrstore @niinisto @MarinSanna @alexanderdecroo @eduardheger @ZuzanaCaputova @RobertaMetsola @MichealMartinTD @KirenRijiju @NAkufoAddo @PaulKagame @CyrilRamaphosa @MinPres @kmitsotakis | 4 |
1625411942033629186 | @necyryl @GitanasNauseda @LithuanianGovt @AlarKaris @GLandsbergis @valstsgriba @kajakallas @sandumaiamd @eucopresident @eduardheger @MinPres @niinisto @krisjaniskarins @ZuzanaCaputova @hugodejonge @SigridKaag @WBHoekstra @EP_President Why are you turning a blind eye to this? | 4 |
1626486263447535616 | @EuromaidanPress @AlarKaris@kajakallas@MFAestonia@UrmasReinsalu@Zourabichvili_S@GharibashviliGe@MFAgovge@valstsgriba@KrisjanisKarins@edgarsrinkevics@GitanasNauseda@IngridaSimonyte@GLandsbergis@maiasandumd@receand@NicolaeCiuca@RoyalFamily@10DowningStreet@RishiSunak@JamesCleverly | 2 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#nato | 5 |
#estonia | 5 |
#strongertogether | 3 |
#natoprotects | 2 |
#lithuania | 2 |
#strongertogther | 2 |
#77 | 2 |
#koroonapettus | 2 |
#iqtest | 2 |
#tervisediktatuur | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@alarkaris | 173 |
@gitanasnauseda | 99 |
@valstsgriba | 69 |
@kajakallas | 60 |
@niinisto | 60 |
@eucopresident | 50 |
@eduardheger | 47 |
@minpres | 47 |
@glandsbergis | 45 |
@zelenskyyua | 44 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
⬇️ | 29 | down_arrow |
🇪🇪 | 11 | Estonia |
👏 | 7 | clapping_hands |
⬇ | 6 | down_arrow |
🇱🇹 | 5 | Lithuania |
🇺🇦 | 4 | Ukraine |
🇷🇺 | 3 | Russia |
🇩🇰 | 2 | Denmark |
👏🏾 | 2 | clapping_hands_medium-dark_skin_tone |
🏙️ | 2 | cityscape |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Symbols | 36 |
Flags | 30 |
People & Body | 14 |
Smileys & Emotion | 7 |
Travel & Places | 4 |
Animals & Nature | 3 |